The West Coast Headquarters for Beer Cans Collecting! Will pay $$$$ Top Dollar $$$$ for Old Beer Cans! Please Call 505-319-7746

Free Appraisals!



Hi! My name is Ed Scoglietti and I have been collecting Old Beer Cans since 1973. I live in Albuquerque,New Mexico,USA. I am always looking for old beer cans to buy, trade or dig up! Beer cans are often found during remodeling projects for homes - inbetween walls, under floors and porches, in attics and in garages as well as old garbage dumps. Please call me at 505-554-0335 or email me at: calcans@aol.com if you have any beer cans you want to get rid of. Unlike other beer can websites, I am a collector, not a dealer, so your beer cans will have a happy home!

Do you have an old dump on your property? On a farm or ranch, a hunting or summer cabin, your resort? Do you know of an old forgotten dump? If there's old beer cans in there, I sure would like to dig it! Pick up a few of the readable cans off the surface and give me a call at 505-5540335or email me: calcans@aol.com

My favorite beer cans are from Chicago where I was born, although I do like beer cans from all over the country. I also collect cool beer bottles and signs too. I am in the Beer Can Collectors Of America #28462, President of the Renegade Chapter and Vice President of the Rusty Bunch Chapter.














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Always looking for Beer Cans to buy. Please call me at: 505-319-7746 or email me if you have any to sell or trade.
